Saturday, January 07, 2006

Spiritual Fantasy Author

Copyright 2005-2006. Steve Pinkerton.

About the Author

Ever since he was a budding teenager, he imagined talking to the public about his observations on society and the psychology behind people’s actions.

The American dream: two cars and three TV’s and parents who had been impoverished felt they had provided a good home. Religious education was dolled out by those who ‘knew better’ than parents and everyone else. So then, why should it be important to everyone else?

The 1960’s, with all its challenges to authority, society, and religion, with its call for social justice and introduction of alternative lifestyles, yes, all the while developing their own ills of moral decadence, watching the decay of family structure on a grand scale, and an organized attempt to demonize manhood… it is no wonder he went to school studying psychology and philosophy at the University of Wisconsin.

But Madison, Wisconsin, being the liberal bastion it is, provided much ‘meet’ for observation on human psychology, self-degradation, and social protest. After three years of study, the burning question halted him: Why are all these psychologies and philosophies supposedly better than my own thoughts? Where is the independent striving for excellence in which every individual should engage? Why pass this responsibility off to religious leaders or great men of the past? But not NOW, for us?

Rebelling against the intelligenceia of the academic world, he quit school, learned how to farm, build, paint and roof. Falling off a roof, after years of hard labor, not knowing whether he would walk again, another burning question drove him onward: Am I not still the same person inside that I was before the fall?

One month later, back on his feet again, back to school, two years of intensive training to become an x-ray technologist- you know, people able to take pictures of our insides- he also wrote his first book, nonfiction, What is in a Word- A discussion of the true meaning of basic words that give the human their being. Book signings and discussions followed.

Years after that, the realization finally hit him what he was always meant to be: a teacher. Back to school for a B.S. in Natural Science centering on Psychology, Biology and Chemistry and then to Graduate School for teacher certification at the University of Pittsburgh. He taught inner city Biology and General Science to middle and high school students. But real didn’t match ideal. For the first time in his life he felt beaten, with no win.

Returning to imaging technology, he became a CT technician. This is an even more advanced way to see within the body. But this is also the time he set down to write the Faithwalker Series. It will be clear, to all,that the author’s broad experience shows up throughout his stories. “If I can just inspire people to think, to see deeply within themselves.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May the L-RD our G-d, the Gracious, the Mighty, the Most High G-d, the G-d of Avraham, of Yitzchak, of Ya'akov, most of all of Yeshua our Messiah, be gracious to you and your family, dear brother.